AntibodyDirectory.com, a division of Genelinx International, Inc., with its headquarters in Dublin Ohio, USA provides a comprehensive platform for buyers and sellers of various antibodies, antigens, enzymes and proteins for molecular life sciences and biotechnology use. The sole purpose of this platform is to make such tools available to the global R&D community at their fingertips and to provide opportunity to various vendors to bring new technologies to market at a fraction of the cost.
北京诺博莱德科技有限公司位于北京市海淀区,是一家专业从事生化试剂、分子生物学试剂、实验耗材及实验仪器研发、销售、服务为一体的生物科技公司,公司主要经营的进口品牌包括Qiagen, Omega, Sigma, Invitrogen, Roche, Abcam, Santa cruz,Fermantas(MBI), NEB, BD, Peprotech, Abnova, R&D systerms, GE, Biovision, Millipore, Amresco, Merck, CST, Axygen, Corning, NUNC, Thermo fihser, Eppendorf等;产品涉及化工原料、生化试剂、分子克隆相关试剂、细胞培养及检测常用试剂、实验室常用耗材及仪器。