产品名称: 502碳涂料
规 格: MST-16056
产品备注: 502碳涂料
产品类别: 标准品
产 品 说 明
英文名称:DAG-T-502 Carbon Paint
DAG-T-502 Carbon Pain
(different name, same product as Electrodag 502)
502 is a combination of specially processed carbon particles in a fluoroelastomer resin system. It remains flexible over a temperature range of -40°C to 260°C and cures at room temperature. 502 resists oxidation and has good adhesion qualities. The diluent is methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and has fluid consistency. Solids content is 12.6%. Service temperature range is -40°C to 260°C.
502是一个组合的特殊处理过的碳粒子在一氟树脂系统。它灵活使用的温度范围在- 40℃到260℃。502具有良好的抗氧化和粘附特性。稀释剂是甲乙酮(甲乙酮)和流体的混合液。固体含量为12.6%。使用温度范围- 40℃到260°C