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美国VHG Labs专业提供单元素无硫金属标准油,符合NIST标准,产品精度高。 单元素无硫金属标准油列表(Single-Element, Sulfur-Free Metallo-Organic Standards for XRF and Other Techniques) Single-Element, Sulfur-Free Metallo-Organic Standards for XRF and Other Techniques Sulfur-Free Aluminum conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-AL-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Aluminum conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-AL-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Antimony conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SB-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Antimony conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SB-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Arsenic conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-AS-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Barium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-BA-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Barium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-BA-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Beryllium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-BE-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Beryllium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-BE-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Bismuth conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-BI-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Bismuth conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-BI-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Boron conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-B-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Boron conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-B-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Cadmium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CD-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Cadmium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CD-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Calcium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CA-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Calcium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CA-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Cerium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CE-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Cerium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CE-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Chromium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CR-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Chromium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CR-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Cobalt conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CO-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Cobalt conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CO-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Copper conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CU-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Copper conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-CU-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Gallium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-GA-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Gallium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-GA-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Gold conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-AU-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Iron conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-FE-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Iron conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-FE-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Lead conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-PB-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Lead conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-PB-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Lithium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-LI-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Lithium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-LI-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Magnesium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-MG-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Magnesium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-MG-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Manganese conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-MN-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Manganese conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-MN-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Mercury conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-HG-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Molybdenum conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-MO-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Molybdenum conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-MO-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Nickel conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-NI-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Nickel conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-NI-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Phosphorus conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-P-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Phosphorus conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-P-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Potassium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-K-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Potassium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-K-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Selenium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SE-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Silicon conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SI-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Silicon conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SI-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Silver conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-AG-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Silver conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-AG-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Sodium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-NA-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Sodium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-NA-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Strontium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SR-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Strontium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SR-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Thallium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-TL-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Tin conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SN-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Tin conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-SN-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Titanium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-TI-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Titanium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-TI-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Vanadium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-V-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Vanadium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-V-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Yttrium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-Y-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Zinc conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-ZN-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Zinc conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-ZN-5000-50G Sulfur-Free Zirconium conc. 1000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-ZR-1000-50G Sulfur-Free Zirconium conc. 5000 ?g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 50g OSF-ZR-5000-50G

Chemplex1700系列样品杯XRF Sample Cup “Snap-Post” Facilitates Venting and Collecting Thermally Sensitive Liquids in External Overflow ReservoirCHOICE OF INTEGRATED SERRATED THIN-FILM WINDOW TRIMMERSVenting is performed by simply jiggling the “Snap-Post” integrated with the ThermoPlasticR seal from side to side. The seal is automatically ruptured permitting a direct passageway from within the sample cup to the sample chamber. Pressure equalization is established that maintains a flat taut sample support window plane. The Integrated External Overflow Reservoir collects thermally sensitive liquids having tendencies to expand.The Collar provided pre-affixes a thin-film substrate to the Cell in preparation for attaching the furnished locking “Snap-On Ring.” Alternatively, a pre-attached thin-film may be used to support evaporated droplets or micro powdered samples for thinlayered preparations enveloped in between another thin-film with both secured in place by the attachment of the included “Snap-On Ring.”The “Snap-On Ring” and Cell neck utilize the unique Chemplex “bead-to-indent” geometry responsible for firmly securing thin-film sample support window planes to the sample cup Cell. In combination they form wrinkle-free sample planes and leak-resistant seals.Alternatively available in 32 mm diameter sample cups with integrated serrated edged “Snap-On Rings” that allow extraneous thin-film trimming close to the sample cup. Order by catalog number followed by “SE”.。规格:见下表包装:100个/包CAT.NO. DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE DIAMETER HEIGHT APERTURE CAPACIT,cc CAPS/PKG1XF730 “Snap-Post” Venting 1.21” (30.7mm) 0.91” (23.1mm) 0.97” (24.6mm) 7 1001XF730-SE “Snap-On Rings” with Integrated Thin-Film Trimmer 1.21” (30.7mm) 0.91” (23.1mm) 0.97” (24.6mm) 7 1001XF740 “Snap-Post” Venting 1.54”(39.1mm) 0.93”(23.6mm) 1.26”(32.0mm) 11 100美国Chemplex工业公司自1971年成立以来,一直坚持专注于X射线光谱分析的样品制备领域,拥有多系列独有的特色产品线以及产权,以质量和全面的X射线的样品制备产品线享誉全球。美国Chemplex公司一直以产品创新、质量保证、技术支持、服务周到、准时交货为原则,几乎所有的产品有库存。 北京美同达科技有限公司代理美国Chemplex工业公司旗下系列产品:XRF样品杯、XRF样品膜、X-ray光谱仪样本杯、ROHS专用样品杯、符合ROHS方法的PE/PVC高分子聚合物(块/粉)、XRF/XRD化学试剂盒套包装等。配合北京美同达专业供应的美国品牌进口标准油(VHG Labs、Cannon、Conostan等),全线供应给各大中石油、中石化、中海油旗下研发质检实验室,是一家专业的油品实验室进口配件耗材打包供应专家!详情请致电:010-88482632/52457812/52457811/56420090

VWR Signature? Inoculating Loops and Needles, Sterile Calibrated disposable polystyrene inoculation loops and needles. Loops are available in soft or rigid plastic and feature an ultra smooth surface for easy streaking. Loops and needles are color-coded for easy size identification. Packaged in anti-roll tubes with push-on resealable cap, 50 loops/needles per tube, 20 tubes per case. Length: 21cm (81/4"). Description Size Color VWR Catalog Number UnitSoft Loops 1 μL Light Green 30002-090 Case of 1,000Soft Loops 10 μL Light Blue 30002-092 Case of 1,000Hard Loops 1 μL Dark Green 30002-094 Case of 1,000Hard Loops 10 μL Dark Blue 30002-096 Case of 1,000Needle       none  Violet  30002-098   Case of 1,000

SpectroMembrane@ XRF Thin-Film Sample Support Window Carrier Frames规格:支撑膜(Thin-Film Supports)直径:76.2mm包装:100片/盒常备现货Code tsescription Gauge3014 Mylar 3.6u (0.14mil)美国Chemplex工业公司自1971年成立以来,一直坚持专注于X射线光谱分析的样品制备领域,拥有多系列独有的特色产品线以及产权,以质量和全面的X射线的样品制备产品线享誉全球。美国Chemplex公司一直以产品创新、质量保证、技术支持、服务周到、准时交货为原则,几乎所有的产品有库存。 北京美同达科技有限公司代理美国Chemplex工业公司旗下系列产品:XRF样品杯、XRF样品膜、X-ray光谱仪样本杯、ROHS专用样品杯、符合ROHS方法的PE/PVC高分子聚合物(块/粉)、XRF/XRD化学试剂盒套包装等。配合北京美同达专业供应的美国品牌进口标准油(VHG Labs、Cannon、Conostan等),全线供应给各大中石油、中石化、中海油旗下研发质检实验室,是一家专业的油品实验室进口配件耗材打包供应专家!详情请致电:010-88482632/52457812/52457811/56420090

  SAV-IT™ Closures, Porex Bio Products Group   Pliable closures for use with evacuated blood collection tubes and glass and plastic test tubes. They protect from contamination and prevent evaporation. Closure will not crack or pop off.   Seals inside test tube or over tube rim. The 12mm and 13mm closures seal over the rim of either 12mm or 13mm tubes, and when reversed seal inside 10mm tubes. The 16mm closures seal over the rim of 16mm tubes, and when reversed seal inside 12mm and 13mm tubes.   Ordering Information: Supplied 1000 closures per pack, 10 packs per case.   货号   For 12 mm and 13 mm Culture Tubes   Color Supplier No. VWR Catalog Number Unit   Lavender A21069 28296-606 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Black A21065 28295-458 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Red A21070 28296-608 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Yellow A21072 28296-612 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Blue A21066 28296-602 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   White A21071 28296-610 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Green A21068 28296-604 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   For 16 mm Culture Tubes   Color Supplier No. VWR Catalog Number Unit   Green A21076 28296-618 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Gray A21075 28295-456 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Lavender A21077 28296-620 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Red A21078 28296-622 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Blue A21074 28296-616 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   White A21079 28296-624 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Black A21073 28296-614 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Yellow A21080 28296-626 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   VWR® Safe-T-Flex Caps   Safe-T-Flex caps feature a unique, flexible, over-locking design that locks securely on the outside of the tube lip and can be removed with one hand. A tight seal ensures sample integrity and prevents spillage or evaporation of serum samples. This special seal protects against the aerosols of highly infectious organisms such as TB and the HTLV-III virus.   Caps fit all varieties of blood collecting and disposable culture tubes. They are color-coded for easy specimen identification and to help guard against cross-contamination. Top of cap can also be numbered or labelled with indelible ink. Self-locking caps hold firmly in any position and keep contents secure while travelling. Liquid-tight seal withstands centrifugation, agitation, refrigeration, and freezing. Manufactured from polyethylene   货号   For 10 mm Blood Collecting and Culture Tubes   Color VWR Catalog Number Unit   Yellow 60828-712 Pack of 1,000   White 60828-700 Pack of 1,000   Red 60828-702 Pack of 1,000   Lavender 60828-704 Pack of 1,000   Green 60828-706 Pack of 1,000   Blue 60828-708 Pack of 1,000   For 12 mm Culture Tubes and 13 mm Blood Collecting Tubes   Color VWR Catalog Number Unit   White 60828-720 Pack of 1,000   Red 60828-722 Pack of 1,000   Blue 60828-728 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Gray 60828-730 Pack of 1,000   Yellow 60828-732 Pack of 1,000   Lavender 60828-724 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Green 60828-726 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   For 13 mm Culture Tubes   Color VWR Catalog Number Unit   Gray 60828-748 Pack of 1,000   Blue 60828-746 Pack of 1,000   White 60828-738 Pack of 1,000   Red 60828-740 Pack of 1,000   Yellow 60828-750 Pack of 1,000   Green 60828-744 Pack of 1,000   Lavender 60828-742 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   For 16 mm Blood Collecting and Culture Tubes   Color VWR Catalog Number Unit   Yellow 60828-772 Pack of 1,000   Blue 60828-768 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Green 60828-766 Pack of 1,000   Lavender 60828-764 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   Red 60828-762 Case of 10000   Pack of 1,000   White 60828-760 Pack of 1,000   Gray 60828-770 Pack of 1,000

V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 10 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100g V23-10-100G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 10 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200g V23-10-200G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 30 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100g V23-30-100G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 30 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200g V23-30-200G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 50 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100g V23-50-100G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 50 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200g V23-50-200G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 100 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100g V23-100-100G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 100 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200g V23-100-200G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 300 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100g V23-300-100G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 300 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200g V23-300-200G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 500 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100g V23-500-100G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 500 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200g V23-500-200G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 900 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 100g V23-900-100G V23 Wear Metal Standards conc. 900 碌g/g Hydrocarbon Oil 200g V23-900-200G 23绉嶇(鎹熼噾灞炴爣鍑嗘补鍏ㄩ儴鎻愪緵锛佸寳浜?編鍚岃揪绉戞妧鏈夐檺鍏?徃-瀹為獙瀹ゆ墦鍖呬笓瀹讹紒6-8鏈堢壒鎯犲?椋庢毚鏉ヨ?锛侊紒 缇庡浗VHG Labs鍙傝

Lubricating Oil Standards: 符合ASTM D4927, D6481, D6443 基体: 润滑油 体积: 100mL S wt% Ca wt% P wt% Zn wt% Product No. 0 0 0 0 LOIL1-100 0.05 0.6 0.005 0.08 LOIL2-100 0.3 0 0.02 0.175 LOIL3-100 0.15 0.5 0.03 0.07 LOIL4-100 0.1 0.3 0.06 0.13 LOIL5-100 0.175 0.4 0.2 0.05 LOIL6-100 0.075 0.2 0.08 0.12 LOIL7-100 0.125 0.25 0.05 0 LOIL8-100 0.4 0.35 0.04 0.11 LOIL9-100 0.5 0.075 0.225 0.15 LOIL10-100 0.2 0.05 0.15 0.2 LOIL11-100 0.55 0.005 0 0.14 LOIL12-100 0.45 0.1 0.01 0.25 LOIL13-100 0.6 0.01 0.125 0.06 LOIL14-100 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.09 LOIL15-100 0.35 0.025 0.175 0.1 LOIL16-100 Product No. LOILSET-16X100 美国VHG Labs参考物质及标样主要包括:1. 氮,硫,氯,金属标准;2. 标准废油分析,单元素磨损金属有机标准,多元素金属磨损标准,内部标准,金属添加剂标准,基体空白和溶剂,稳定磨损金属标准,多元素冷却剂标准,燃料稀释标准,裂纹检测的参考标准,卡尔费休滴定认证参考标准,烟尘含量标准;3.油品物理测试标准:闪点参考资料,粘度参考标准,降凝剂参考资料,浊点参考资料,冰点参考资料,蒸馏标准等。

  产品名称: Conostan粘度标准油   规  格: Conostan   产品备注: Conostan   产品类别: 石油类标油备件耗材   产 品 说 明   美国CONOSTAN公司 是全球著名的油基标准生产厂家,生产ICP光谱 和ICP质谱用的油基金属标准,有近40种单元素标准,和S-12,S-21和AM特殊多元素标准, 及空白油,是众多石化和润滑油用户的首选分析标样。   北京美同达代理美国销售conostan品牌所有系列标准油,超低折扣,超惠价格!   Conostan粘度标准油全套系列:   150-600-141 Viscosity Standard, S6 125ml 粘度标油,S6   150-600-142 Viscosity Standard, S6 500ml 粘度标油,S6   150-600-143 Viscosity Standard, S6 L 粘度标油,S6   150-600-144 Viscosity Standard, S6 4L 粘度标油,S6   150-600-145 Viscosity Standard, S6 20L 粘度标油,S6   150-600-181 Viscosity Standard, N10 125ml 粘度标油,N10   150-600-182 Viscosity Standard, N10 500ml 粘度标油,N10   150-600-183 Viscosity Standard, N10 L 粘度标油,N10   150-600-184 Viscosity Standard, N10 4L 粘度标油,N10   150-600-185 Viscosity Standard, N10 20L 粘度标油,N10   150-600-221 Viscosity Standard, S20 125ml 粘度标油,S20   150-600-222 Viscosity Standard, S20 500ml 粘度标油,S20   150-600-223 Viscosity Standard, S20 L 粘度标油,S20   150-600-224 Viscosity Standard, S20 4L 粘度标油,S20   150-600-225 Viscosity Standard, S20 20L 粘度标油,S20   150-600-231 Viscosity Standard, S200 125ml 粘度标油,S200   150-600-232 Viscosity Standard, S200 500ml 粘度标油,S200   150-600-233 Viscosity Standard, S200 L 粘度标油,S200   150-600-234 Viscosity Standard, S200 4L 粘度标油,S200   150-600-235 Viscosity Standard, S200 20L 粘度标油,S200   150-600-241 Viscosity Standard, S600 125ml 粘度标油,S600   150-600-242 Viscosity Standard, S600 500ml 粘度标油,S600   150-600-243 Viscosity Standard, S600 L 粘度标油,S600   150-600-244 Viscosity Standard, S600 4L 粘度标油,S600   150-600-245 Viscosity Standard, S600 20L 粘度标油,S600   150-600-261 Viscosity Standard, N35 125ml 粘度标油,N35   150-600-262 Viscosity Standard, N35 500ml 粘度标油,N35   150-600-263 Viscosity Standard, N35 L 粘度标油,N35   150-600-264 Viscosity Standard, N35 4L 粘度标油,N35   150-600-265 Viscosity Standard, N35 20L 粘度标油,N35   150-600-301 Viscosity Standard, S60 125ml 粘度标油,S60   150-600-302 Viscosity Standard, S60 500ml 粘度标油,S60   150-600-303 Viscosity Standard, S60 L 粘度标油,S60   150-600-304 Viscosity Standard, S60 4L 粘度标油,S60   150-600-305 Viscosity Standard, S60 20L 粘度标油,S60   150-600-341 Viscosity Standard, N100 125ml 粘度标油,N100   150-600-342 Viscosity Standard, N100 500ml 粘度标油,N100   150-600-343 Viscosity Standard, N100 L 粘度标油,N100   150-600-344 Viscosity Standard, N100 4L 粘度标油,N100   150-600-345 Viscosity Standard, N100 20L 粘度标油,N100   150-600-351 Viscosity Standard, S3 125ml 粘度标油,S3   150-600-352 Viscosity Standard, S3 500ml 粘度标油,S3   150-600-353 Viscosity Standard, S3 L 粘度标油,S3   150-600-354 Viscosity Standard, S3 4L 粘度标油,S3   150-600-355 Viscosity Standard, S3 20L 粘度标油,S3   150-600-361 Viscosity Standard, N350 125ml 粘度标油,N350   150-600-362 Viscosity Standard, N350 500ml 粘度标油,N350   150-600-363 Viscosity Standard, N350 L 粘度标油,N350   150-600-364 Viscosity Standard, N350 4L 粘度标油,N350   150-600-365 Viscosity Standard, N350 20L 粘度标油,N350   150-600-371 Viscosity Standard, N1000 125ml 粘度标油,N1000   150-600-372 Viscosity Standard, N1000 500ml 粘度标油,N1000   150-600-373 Viscosity Standard, N1000 L 粘度标油,N1000   150-600-374 Viscosity Standard, N1000 4L 粘度标油,N1000   150-600-375 Viscosity Standard, N1000 20L 粘度标油,N1000   150-600-381 Viscosity Standard, S2000 125ml 粘度标油,S2000   150-600-382 Viscosity Standard, S2000 500ml 粘度标油,S2000   150-600-383 Viscosity Standard, S2000 L 粘度标油,S2000   150-600-384 Viscosity Standard, S2000 4L 粘度标油,S2000   150-600-385 Viscosity Standard, S2000 20L 粘度标油,S2000   150-600-391 Viscosity Standard, N4000 125ml 粘度标油,N4000   150-600-392 Viscosity Standard, N4000 500ml 粘度标油,N4000   150-600-393 Viscosity Standard, N4000 L 粘度标油,N4000   150-600-394 Viscosity Standard, N4000 4L 粘度标油,N4000   150-600-395 Viscosity Standard, N4000 20L 粘度标油,N4000   150-600-401 Viscosity Standard, S8000 125ml 粘度标油,S8000   150-600-402 Viscosity Standard, S8000 500ml 粘度标油,S8000   150-600-403 Viscosity Standard, S8000 L 粘度标油,S8000   150-600-404 Viscosity Standard, S8000 4L 粘度标油,S8000   150-600-405 Viscosity Standard, S8000 20L 粘度标油,S8000   150-600-411 Viscosity Standard, N15000 125ml 粘度标油,N15000   150-600-412 Viscosity Standard, N15000 500ml 粘度标油,N15000   150-600-413 Viscosity Standard, N15000 L 粘度标油,N15000   150-600-414 Viscosity Standard, N15000 4L 粘度标油,N15000   150-600-415 Viscosity Standard, N15000 20L 粘度标油,N15000   150-600-421 Viscosity Standard, S30000 125ml 粘度标油,S30000   150-600-422 Viscosity Standard, S30000 500ml 粘度标油,S30000   150-600-423 Viscosity Standard, S30000 L 粘度标油,S30000   150-600-424 Viscosity Standard, S30000 4L 粘度标油,S30000   150-600-425 Viscosity Standard, S30000 20L 粘度标油,S30000

PriboLab是面向全球提供霉菌毒素检测技术解决方案的主要服务商,凭借强大的研发团队和霉菌毒素检测技术的研究,为全球农业生产、食品加工与粮食、饲料工业等行业提供专业的真菌毒素检测技术产品与技术服务。 Pribolab公司凭借其强大的研发团队和精湛的生产工艺,采用先进的单克隆抗体免疫技术开发出了一系列毒素免疫亲和柱产品,PriboFast免疫亲和柱系列产品包括以下特点: 1. 选择高度特异性和高亲和力单克隆抗体,确保获得高纯度的样品 2. 亲和柱容量大,抗体含量高,增加了样品吸附量,提高了纯化效率。 3. 允许大体积样品过柱纯化,对低浓度的样品有极好的浓缩效果,从而有效的提高了各方法的检测限 4. 产品通过大量的科学实验检验,拥有良好的稳定性和可靠性,样品回收率达到90%‐95%。 5. 产品通用性强,适合多种缓冲液体系,无需复杂和有毒试剂。 6. 操作简单快速,单个样品只需10-15 分钟。适用性强,无需特定的实验环境。 7. 纯化样品适用于 ELISA 法,高效液相色谱法,荧光光度法等。 PriboFast 免疫亲和柱系列(3ml) PriboFast黄曲霉毒素总量免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast黄曲霉毒素B1 免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast黄曲霉毒素M1免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast 玉米赤霉烯酮 免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast呕吐毒素 免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast 赭曲霉毒素 免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast 伏马毒素 免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast T-2/HT-2免疫亲和柱25T PriboFast酶联免疫检测试剂盒系列: PriboFast系列试剂盒全是采用直接竞争法,检测时间短,步骤简单,性能稳定,检测限符合国标要求。 黄曲霉毒素总量 ELISA试剂盒 96T 黄曲霉毒素M1 ELISA试剂盒 96T 黄曲霉毒素B1 ELISA试剂盒 96T 玉米赤霉烯酮 ELISA试剂盒 96T 呕吐毒素 ELISA试剂盒 96T 赭曲霉毒素 ELISA试剂盒 96T 国产酶联免疫检测试剂盒系列 黄曲霉毒素总量 ELISA试剂盒 48T 黄曲霉毒素M1 ELISA试剂盒 48T 黄曲霉毒素B1 ELISA试剂盒 48T 玉米赤霉烯酮 ELISA试剂盒 48T 呕吐毒素 ELISA试剂盒 48T 赭曲霉毒素 ELISA试剂盒 48T PriboFast系列多功能净化柱系列: 包括有两种类型 柱压型(带玻璃试管)/推杆型(针筒式) PriboFastR系列多功能净化柱采取的方法就是多重机制吸附杂质并快速萃取净化的方法,,它将极性、非极性及离子交换等多类官能基团作为复合吸附填料作为填充剂填充到柱体中,这些填料可以选择性的吸附样品中的如脂类、蛋白类和色素等主要杂质吸附,同时将待测目标物(如中黄曲霉毒素 玉米赤霉烯酮等各种霉菌毒素)留在样液中,从而达到净化和富集的目的。 使用PriboFastR 系列多功能净化柱,能够及时快速地对从食品、饲料、饮料、药材中提取的待检液进行净化,过柱净化后的样品可以用于检测黄曲霉毒素、 玉米赤霉烯酮、呕吐毒素、雪腐镰刀菌烯醇、3-乙酰基脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇、15-乙酰基脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇等多种霉菌毒素。与一般的固相萃取柱(SPE)和亲和柱相比,多功能净化柱无需活化、上样、洗脱等步骤,能够将食品或饲料提取液中的杂质与真菌毒素进行一步分离,使用快捷、方便,减少萃取步骤,有效保证分析的更加准确可靠,降低检测成本,有效提高检测效率。 PriboFast 226/260多功能净化柱(黄曲霉毒素,玉米赤霉烯酮)25T PriboFast 228/280多功能净化柱(黄曲霉毒素,展青霉素)25T PriboFast 227/270(适用单端孢霉烯族毒素) 25T PriboFast 210 净化柱(适用于伏马毒素检测)25T PriboFast 290净化柱(适用于赭曲霉毒素检测)25T PriboFast 230净化柱(适用于环匹阿尼酸检测)25T

Chemplex2100系列样品杯SpectroCup? Internal Overflow Reservoir Sample CupsVENTED "SNAP-ON" CAP and TRIMLESS? THIN-FILM SLEEVE ATTACHMENTSnap-On Cap establishes a series of physical baffles that provide resistance to powdered sample withdrawal under evacuated conditions. Vent hole equalizes pressure differentials within the sample cup and sample chamber under helium flushes and vacuum operating conditions.Cell integrates an Internal Overflow Reservoir for collecting thermally sensitive liquid samples within the sample cup reducing the likelihood of inadvertent spillage into the sample chamber; serves as a filling level guide for uniformity of sample volume.Integrated flange on outer cell neck diameter physically defines the distance of TrimLess?Sleeve travel over the Cell during the thin-film sample support window attachment procedure; ensures reproducible sample cup assemblies and statistically accurate x-ray data.Extra wide TrimLess@Sleeve envelopes extraneous thin-film sample support window material toeliminate trimming excess and dealing with annoying static prone clippings..规格:见下表包装:100个/包CAT.NO. OUTSIDE DIAMETER Max. Dia. HEIGHT APERTURE Knob Cap CAPACIT,cc CAPS/PKGMTD2131 1.22" (30.9mm) 1.36" (34.5mm) 1.15" (29.2mm) 1.04" (26.4mm) No 9 100MTD2132 1.24" (31.5mm) 1.36" (34.5mm) 1.15" (29.2mm) 1.04" (26.4mm) No 9 100MTD2135 1.35" (34.3mm) 1.46" (37.1mm) 1.17" (29.7mm) 1.10" (27.9mm) No 11 100MTD2140 1.58" (40.1mm) 1.70" (43.2 mm) 1.17" (29.7mm) 1.38" (35.0mm) No 19 100MTD2143 1.58" (40.1mm) 1.62" (41.1mm) 1.17" (29.7mm) 1.38" (35.0mm) No 19 100MTD2144 1.58" (40.1mm) 1.62" (41.1mm) 1.33" (33.8mm) 1.38" (35.0mm) Yes 19 100MTD2145 1.76" (44.7mm) 1.81" (46.0mm) 1.16" (29.5mm) 1.57" (39.9mm) No 22 100MTD2146 1.76" (44.7mm) 1.81" (46.0mm) 1.32" (33.5mm) 1.57" (39.9mm) Yes 22 100MTD2147 1.76" (44.7mm) 1.85" (46.9mm) 1.16" (29.5mm) 1.57" (39.9mm) No 22 100MTD2148 1.76" (44.7mm) 1.85" (46.9mm) 1.32" (33.5mm) 1.57" (39.9mm) Yes 22 100MTD2195 1.71" (43.4mm) 1.77" (45.0mm) 1.56" (39.6mm) 1.50" (38.1mm) Yes 22 100美国Chemplex工业公司自1971年成立以来,一直坚持专注于X射线光谱分析的样品制备领域,拥有多系列独有的特色产品线以及产权,以质量和全面的X射线的样品制备产品线享誉全球。美国Chemplex公司一直以产品创新、质量保证、技术支持、服务周到、准时交货为原则,几乎所有的产品有库存。 北京美同达科技有限公司代理美国Chemplex工业公司旗下系列产品:XRF样品杯、XRF样品膜、X-ray光谱仪样本杯、ROHS专用样品杯、符合ROHS方法的PE/PVC高分子聚合物(块/粉)、XRF/XRD化学试剂盒套包装等。配合北京美同达专业供应的美国品牌进口标准油(VHG Labs、Cannon、Conostan等),全线供应给各大中石油、中石化、中海油旗下研发质检实验室,是一家专业的油品实验室进口配件耗材打包供应专家!详情请致电:010-88482632/52457812/52457811/56420090