产品名称: D6334X射线法测硫 规 格: ASTM-D6334 产品备注: 产品类别: 石油类标油备件耗材 产 品 说 明 D6334 Sulfur in Gasoline byWavelength WD-XRF 标准编号: ASTM D 6334-1998 标准 名称: 波长分布X-射线荧光法测定汽油中硫的标准试验方法 北京美同达公司可以提供各种国际方法检测硫标样!
产品名称: SEM扫描电镜校正分辨率 规 格: MS-SEM-607 产品备注: 扫描电镜校正分辨率 产品类别: 标准品 产 品 说 明 SEM扫描电镜校正分辨率(含有部分金颗粒) Ultra High Resolution Test Specimen, Gold on Carbon 3 particle size range from
产 品 说 明 槲皮苷 槲皮素 獐牙菜苦苷 芍药甙 血根碱 白屈菜红碱 原阿片碱 绿原酸 青蒿素 黄芩素 黄芩苷 熊果酸 熊果苷 胡椒碱 盐酸小檗碱 五羟色胺 石杉碱甲 石蒜碱 人参皂苷Rb1 人参皂苷Rg1 和厚朴酚 厚朴酚 莽草酸 二氢杨梅素 丹参酮IIA 白藜芦醇 染料木素 吴茱萸碱 吴茱萸次碱 β-谷甾醇 香豆素 木犀草素 环维黄杨星D 岩白菜素 芝麻素 芦丁 异古伦宾 扁蓄苷 番泻苷A 大黄酚 大黄素 二氢丹参酮 丹参酮I 隐丹参酮 野黄芩苷 山奈酚葡萄糖醛酸苷 染料木苷 柚皮苷 淫羊藿甙 金丝桃苷 橙皮苷 新橙皮苷 大豆苷元 异鼠李素 山奈酚 白杨素 山姜素 芹菜素 柚皮素 刺芒柄花素 豆蔻明 姜黄素 葛根素 高良姜素 穗花双黄酮 茵芋苷 异欧前胡素 巴卡亭Ⅲ 白花前胡丙素 白花前胡丁素 白花前胡素E 秦皮甲素 秦皮乙素 补骨脂素 佛手柑内酯 蛇床子素 柴胡皂苷A 柴胡皂苷C 柴胡皂苷D 积雪草苷 甘草酸 黄芪甲苷 白头翁皂苷B4 人参皂苷Rb3 人参皂苷Rd 三七皂苷R1 人参皂苷Re 人参皂苷Rb2 黄芪皂苷II 羽扇豆醇 紫菀酮 齐墩果酸 表木栓醇 3,29-二苯甲酰栝蒌仁三醇 红景天苷 丁香苷 冬绿苷 水杨苷 阿魏酸 络塞维 丹参素钠 对羟基苯甲酸乙酯 鬼臼毒素 五味子酯甲 五味子甲素 五味子乙素 五味子醇甲 安五脂素 细辛脂素 京尼平苷 龙胆苦苷 胡黄连苦苷I 胡黄连苦苷II 桃叶珊瑚甙 岑酮没食子酸 儿茶素 薄荷醇 苦杏仁苷 豆腐果苷 豆腐果新苷A 豆腐果新苷B 豆腐果新苷C 肉苁蓉苷A 去氢木香内酯 土木香内酯 异土木香内酯 乌药醚内酯 莪术醇 吉马酮 苍术内酯Ⅲ 白果内酯 银杏内酯A 银杏内酯B 银杏内酯C 穿心莲内酯
产品名称: TRC系列产品01 规 格: MCT-TRC 产品备注: 加拿大TRC标准品 产品类别: 标准品 产 品 说 明 北京美同达科技有限公司提供TRC全套系列化学品,产品品种齐全,供货周期快! 加拿大TRC标准品 TRC是加拿大全资公司,世界领先的有机化学品(包括碳水化学、芳香化学、氮磷硫化学、放射性同位素及同位素标记物等)制造商,建立于1982年,占地55,000平方英尺,包括研究实验室和生产车间,主要用于生物学、医学、药学、临床诊断和试验方面的研究和生产。TRC提供生化研究的有机化学品,用于生物技术,制药,诊断。研究特殊化学品。提供从g级到kg级别的定制。 Product Line TRC product lines include unique highly specialized chemicals for drug development, and medical, biopharmaceutical and biochemical research. Many of these are proprietary and developed in our laboratories through an extensive program of research and innovative product development.
产品名称: GRACE 923硅胶 规 格: GRACE 923 产品备注: GRACE 923 产品类别: 石油类标油备件耗材 产 品 说 明 GRACE硅胶(923级)是 GB/T11132和ASTM D1319 标准规定使用的,专门用于分析汽油中烃类含量的高纯度色谱专用硅胶。具有非常窄的孔径分布,平均孔径为32A,呈无定形的颗粒状。 GRACE硅胶(923级)由美国具有150 多年历史的硅胶专业生产厂GRACE 公司生产。所有产品均为原装进口。产品所有的相关性能都符合产品规格的指标。 GRACE硅胶(923级)一般为500g包装。 北京美同达专业提供石油检测配套各类标准油、配件耗材等
产品名称: SEM快干银漆 规 格: MST-16040-30 产品备注: 快干银漆 产品类别: 标准品 产 品 说 明 产品名称:SEM快干银漆(货号:MST-16040-30) 英文名称:Fast Drying Silver Paint 型号规格:MST-16040-30 This very fine flake silver is suspended in iso-butyl methyl ketone (4-methylpentan-2-one) and forms a thin, smooth, highly conductive silver film which is both adherent and flexible. 30g. Fast drying silver suspension has been specifically designed to give increased coverage while maintaining a very high conductivity. Service Temperature: 105°C (225°F) Solids content (silver): 57.5 to 59% Binder: Thermoplastic resin Carrier: methyl iso-butylketone Sheet resistance (on Lexan panels, dried 30 min/70°C):
产品名称: ASTM闭口闪点参考标准 规 格: ASTM-D93 产品备注: 产品类别: 石油类标油备件耗材 产 品 说 明 ASTM D93闭口闪点参考标准(PMCC)Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester 符合国际ASTM D93方法,石油产品闪点的标准试验方法。 检测标准:ASTM-D93 北京美同达科技有限公司可提供美国ASTM标准的闭口闪点参考标油,可提供各种浓度点温度点
产品名称: NIST冲击试样 规 格: SRM2092 产品备注: NIST标准品 产品类别: 标准品 产 品 说 明 Impact Standards: Charpy V-Notch and Izod Impact Specimens These SRMs are test specimens intended primarily for the verification of Charpy V-Notch testing machines and Izod testing machines. The dimensions of these SRMs comply with the current ASTM Standard E23 and the current ISO 148-1 Standard. SRMs 2092, 2096, and 2098 are NIST-Verification Charpy V-notch specimens that have a post-test evaluation service and proficiency test data available with them. SRMs 2092 and 2096 are to be tested at -40° C; SRM 2098 is to be tested at room temperature (21 °C). These SRMs should be tested (broken) at the same time, then returned to NIST Boulder for evaluation. An acceptable machine will produce an average value within 1.4 J or 5% of the certified energy value, whichever is greater. SRM2092、2096和2098是NIST SRMs 2093 and 2097 are Self-Verification Charpy V-notch specimens that do not have any post-test services available with them. These SRMs provide a lower cost option for the Self-Service user. SRMs 2093 and 2097 are to be tested at -40° C; These SRMs are not returned to NIST Boulder for evaluation. SRMs 2112 and 2113 are NIST-Verification Charpy V-notch specimens that are certified for absorbed energy at two test temperatures and are also certified for maximum force. These SRMs provide a means to verify the performance of the energy and force scales of an instrumented Charpy impact machine at room temperature (21 °C). They can also be used to verify just the energy scale of a machine at -40° C, interchangeably with SRMs 2092 and 2096. Theses SRMs should be tested (broken) at the same time, then returned to NIST Boulder for evaluation. An acceptable machine will produce an average value within 1.4 J or 5% of the certified energy value, whichever is greater. Currently formal bounds are not available to verify the performance of the force scale for a Charpy impact test machine. SRM 2115 is a NIST Izod specimen. Each SRM consists of a set of specimens needed to perform one evaluation. This SRM complies with ASTM Standard E23 dimensional requirements for the Izod (Cantilever Beam) impact specimen, Type D, geometry. PLEASE NOTE: The tables are presented to facilitate comparisons among a family of materials to help customers select the best SRM for their needs. For specific values and uncertainties, the certificate is the only official source. - Certified values are normal font - Reference values are italicized - Values in parentheses are for information only 货号 品名 包装 能量 2092 Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 低能量夏比V型缺口冲击试样(NIST-验证) set 13 to 20 2093 Low Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (Self- Verification) 低能量夏比V型缺口冲击试样(自我-验证) 5bar 2096 High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 高能量夏比V型缺口冲击试样(NIST-验证) set 88 to 133 2097 High Energy Charpy V Notch Impact Specimen (Self-Verification) 高能量夏比V型缺口冲击试样(自我-验证) 5bar 2098 SuperHigh-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 超高能量夏比V型缺口冲击试样(NIST-验证) set 176 to 244 2112 Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN) 动态冲击力Verific 试样(额定受力24千牛顿) set of four 2113 Dynamic Impact Force Verific, Specimens (Nominal 33kN) 动态冲击力Verific 试样(额定受力33千牛顿) set of four 2115 Low Energy Izod Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 低能量艾氏冲击试样(NIST-验证) Set 13 to 25 北京 美同达科技有限公司
DAG-T-502 Carbon Paint (different name, same product as Electrodag 502) 502 is a combination of specially processed carbon particles in a fluoroelastomer resin system. It remains flexible over a temperature range of -40°C to 260°C and cures at room temperature. 502 resists oxidation and has good adhesion qualities. The diluent is methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) and has fluid consistency. Solids content is 12.6%. Service temperature range is -40°C to 260°C. 502是一个组合的特殊处理过的碳粒子在一氟树脂系统。它灵活使用的温度范围在- 40℃到260℃。502具有良好的抗氧化和粘附特性。稀释剂是甲乙酮(甲乙酮)和流体的混合液。固体含量为12.6%。使用温度范围- 40℃到260°C
High Strength Autoclavable Polypropylene Biohazard Bags, 2 mil 用于实验室收集生物危险废物进行灭菌,PP材料制作,最高耐受温度可达135度。机械强度高,接口可承受较大的重量,在装满废品拿起时也不会破裂。颜色为醒目的红色,刷有警示标记及“BIOHAZARD”字样。 货号 品名 包装/规格 14220-090 生物危险品处理袋 厚度2mil 200个/箱 30.5X61cm 14220-092 生物危险品处理袋 厚度2mil 200个/箱 61X76.2cm 14220-094 生物危险品处理袋 厚度2mil 200个/箱 61X91.4cm 14220-096 生物危险品处理袋 厚度2mil 200个/箱 63.5X88.9cm 14220-098 生物危险品处理袋 厚度2mil 100个/箱 96.5X121.95cm 14230-910 生物危险品处理袋 厚度2mil 400个/箱 20.3 x 30.5cm 14230-912 生物危险品处理袋 厚度2mil 200个/箱 48.3 x 61cm 14220-082 生物危险品处理袋 厚度3mil 250个/箱 30.4 x 61cm 14220-084 生物危险品处理袋 厚度3mil 250个/箱 61 x 76.2cm