Chemplex1900系列样品杯XRF Sample Cup with Double Open-End Offers Convenient Top Sample FillingCHOICE OF INTEGRATED SERRATED THIN-FILM WINDOW TRIMMERS.Double open-ended Cell facilitates sample introduction by filling from the top end. Prepare multiple samples cups in advance with thin-film sample support windows prior to filling. Ideally suitable for non-volatile liquid and loose powdered materials in helium flush or atmospheric conditions.The Collar provided pre-affixes a thin-film substrate to the Cell in preparation for attaching the furnished locking "Snap-On Ring." Alternatively, a pre-attached thin-film may be used to support evaporated droplets or micro powdered samples for thin-layered preparations enveloped in between another thin-film with both secured in place by the attachment of the included "Snap-On Ring."The "Snap-On Ring" and Cell neck utilize the unique Chemplex "bead-to-indent" geometry responsible for firmly securing thin-film sample support window planes to the sample cup Cell. In combination they form wrinkle-free sample planes and leak-resistant seals.Alternatively available 32 mm diameter sample cups with integrated serrated edged "Snap-On Rings" that allow extraneous thin-film trimming close to the sample cup. Order by catalog number followed by "SE".规格:见下表包装:100个/包CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE DIAMETER HEIGHT APERTURE SETS/PKGMTD1930 Double open ended 1.23" (31.2mm) 0.84" (21.3mm) 0.96" (24.4mm) 8 100MTD1930-SE "Snap-On Rings" with Integrated Thin-Film Trimmer 1.23" (31.2mm) 0.84" (21.3mm) 0.96" (24.4mm) 8 100MTD1940 Double open ended 1.55" (39.4mm) 0.84" (21.3mm) 1.27" (32.3mm) 15 100MTD1940L Double open ended 1.55" (39.4mm) 1.39"(35.33mm) 1.27" (32.3mm) 25 100美国Chemplex工业公司自1971年成立以来,一直坚持专注于X射线光谱分析的样品制备领域,拥有多系列独有的特色产品线以及产权,以质量和全面的X射线的样品制备产品线享誉全球。美国Chemplex公司一直以产品创新、质量保证、技术支持、服务周到、准时交货为原则,几乎所有的产品有库存。 北京美同达科技有限公司代理美国Chemplex工业公司旗下系列产品:XRF样品杯、XRF样品膜、X-ray光谱仪样本杯、ROHS专用样品杯、符合ROHS方法的PE/PVC高分子聚合物(块/粉)、XRF/XRD化学试剂盒套包装等。配合北京美同达专业供应的美国品牌进口标准油(VHG Labs、Cannon、Conostan等),全线供应给各大中石油、中石化、中海油旗下研发质检实验室,是一家专业的油品实验室进口配件耗材打包供应专家!详情请致电:010-88482632/52457812/52457811/56420090
Round Jug, High-Density Polyethylene, Qorpak® When you need to store large volumes of product, this Natural HDPE Handled Round is the perfect solution. It has a finger grip for easy handling. These HDPE jugs provide an excellent moisture barrier and are impact resistant. They are ideal for high-speed filling, demanding pharmaceutical specifications and the rough handling of interstate shipping. Capacity Cap Size Cap Type Treatment Supplier No. VWR Catalog Number Unit 1.9 L (0.5 gal.) 38-400 Caps not Included — PLA-03273 16080-518 Case of 40 1.9 L (0.5 gal.) 38-400 Caps not Included Fluorinated PLA-03272 11311-310 Case of 40 3.8 L (1 gal.) 38-400 Caps not Included — PLA-03280 16080-563 Case of 4 3.8 L (1 gal.) 38-400 Caps not Included — PLA-03276 16080-552 Case of 60 1.9 L (0.5 gal.) 38-400 Black Phenolic with PolyCone Liner — PLC-03501 89204-956 Case of 40 3.8 L (1 gal.) 38-400 Black Phenolic with PolyCone Liner — PLC-03509 16085-009 Case of 60 3.8 L (1 gal.) 38-400 Black Phenolic with Solid Polyethylene Liner — PLC-03512 89204-954 Case of 60 1.9 L (0.5 gal.) 38-400 White Polypropylene F217 Lined — PLC-03504 89031-228 Case of 6 1.9 L (0.5 gal.) 38-400 White Polypropylene F217 Lined — PLC-03503 16085-007 Case of 40 3.8 L (1 gal.) 38-400 White Polypropylene F217 Lined Cleaned for Volatiles PLC-03519 89204-958 Case of 4 3.8 L (1 gal.) 38-400 White Polypropylene F217 Lined — PLC-03518 16081-001 Case of 4 3.8 L (1 gal.) 38-400 White Polypropylene F217 Lined — PLC-03517 16085-010 Case of 60 4 L (135 oz.) 38-439 Caps not Included Heavyweight PLA-03140 89237-494 Case of 48
产品名称: PE耐腐蚀雾化器 规 格: 03030404 产品备注: Corrosion-Resistant Nebulizer for PerkinElmer Models Aanalyst 100/300/700/800,51 产品类别: 实验室耗材及配件 产 品 说 明 耐腐蚀雾化器 Corrosion-Resistant Nebulizer for PerkinElmer Models Aanalyst 100/300/700/800,51 1 适用于含有氢氟酸或王水的所有溶液 2 适用于含有高浓度溶解固体的所有溶液 3 所有与溶液接触的内部元件都是由塑料制造的,其可 4 耐浓酸腐蚀 5 与不锈钢或铂/铑雾化器相比,其性能较差 雾化器组件 用于AA100/300/700/800/5100PC/5000/3300/3110/3100 03030404 用于4100/2100/1100(B) N3110110
Bilsom™ LEIGHTNING® Earmuffs, Sperian Protection 这些耳罩经得起日常的频繁使用,并提供舒适的最高级别。它们的特点是独家的泡沫软垫头带和超软耳垫可以消除的头挤压力。钢线建设提供了高性能和强大的耐用性。独特的空气流量控制™技术在所有频率提供最佳的衰减。管理单元的耳垫让维修方便。超薄的领子耳罩和可折叠耳罩在低噪声环境提供适当的保护。 Description Noise Reduction Rating Supplier No. VWR Catalog Number Unit L0F Folding Earmuff 23 dB 1013461 89013-683 Case of 20 Each L0N Neckband Earmuff 22 dB 1013460 89013-681 Case of 20 Each L2H Cap-Mounted Earmuff 25 dB 1011992 89013-671 Case of 20 Each L3H Cap-Mounted Earmuff 27 dB 1011993 89013-673 Case of 20 Each L3 Headband Earmuff 30 dB 1010924 82017-255 Case of 20 Each Onyx Earmuffs, Jackson Ideal for low or medium noise environment Ball and socket pivoting adjustable ear cups with ultra soft ear cushions for extended wear Noise Reduction Rate (NRR) Weight Supplier No. VWR Catalog Number Unit 23 dB 0.58 lb 138-3015085 300061-682 Each 26 dB 0.62 lb 138-3015086 300061-684 Each
产品名称: VWR防水温度计 规 格: 61161-283 产品备注: 温度计 产品类别: 实验室耗材及配件 产 品 说 明 Thermometers are ideal for round-the-clock monitoring of semi-solids, air/gas, or liquids in incubators, refrigerators, freezers, water baths, and outdoor tanks. Useful in wet lab/plant areas and outdoors. Thermometers may be placed anywhere. Easy-to-view 6.4mm (1/4") high LCD digits can be read at a glance. LCD operates in environments above freezing. Probe with stainless steel sensor performs accurately when under water. Records highest and lowest temperature readings over any time period. Reading updates every second. Housing is waterproof and shockproof. Ordering Information: Thermometers are supplied with probe with 3m (10') cable, magnet to attach thermometer to metal, suction cups and Velcro
固相萃取(SPE)是一种用途广泛而且越来越受欢迎的样品前处理技术,它建立在传统的液-液萃取(LLE) 基础之上,结合物质相互作用的相似相溶机理和目前广泛应用的HPLC、 GC中的固定相基本知识逐渐发展起来的。SPE具有有机溶剂用量少、便捷、安全、高效等特点。 SPE根据其相似相溶机理可分为四种:反相SPE、正相SPE、离子交换SPE、吸附SPE。 SPE大多数用来处理液体样品,萃取、浓缩和净化其中的半挥发*和不挥发*化合物,也可用于固体样品,但必须先处理成液体。目前国内主要应用在水中多环芳烃(PAHs) 和多氯联苯(PCBs)等有机物质分析,水果、蔬菜及食品中农药和除草剂残留分析,抗生素分析,临床药物分析等方面。 SPE装置由SPE小柱和辅件构成。SPE小柱由三部分组成,柱管、烧结垫和填料。SPE辅件一般有真空系统、真空泵、吹干装置、惰*气源、大容量采样器和缓冲瓶。康林推荐使用美国Supelco公司专利产品-固相萃取(SPE)装置。 Supelco 12管固相萃取装置的主要特点: 防交叉污染、防雾化真空槽设计 可配大容量采样器、快速浓缩干燥装置,批处理样品 SPE小柱质量稳定,样品回收率高,精密度好 固相萃取技术的主要应用: 生物体液分析,主要包括:血清、血浆、血液、尿液及细胞间质 牛奶处理、白酒、啤酒和饮料、果汁 引用水、地下水和污水的分析监控 挥发油、植物组织、水果、蔬菜及谷物 液体药物样品、土壤和沉积物 肉、鱼或其它动物组织、药片及其它固体药物 Supelco 12管固相萃取装置的主要配件: 产品名称 订货号 12管防交叉污染SPE萃取装置 57044 24管防交叉污染SPE萃取装置 57265 12管干燥装置 57100U 大容量采样管4管/套用于3ml,6ml萃取管 57275 大容量采样管 3管/套用于12 ml,20ml,60ml萃取管 57272 固相萃取连接管(聚四氟乙烯) 100支/包 57059 SPE转接头(小柱适配器) 12只/包 001012 SPE流速调节阀(夸克,流量控制阀) 1000ml 固相萃取缓冲瓶 Product Description Sorbent Amount/ Unit Tube Volumn 产品描述 产品规格 包装(pkg) C4-E 正丁基(封尾) 500mg/6ml 50 C8-E 辛基 (封尾) 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 C18-E 十八烷基 (封尾) 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 SIL/Silica 硅胶 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 FLS/Florisil 弗罗里硅土/硅酸镁 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 ALA/Alumina A 酸*氧化铝 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 ALB/Alumina B 碱*氧化铝 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 ALN/Alumina N 中*氧化铝 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 NAX/NH2 氨丙基 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 PSA N-2氨乙基 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 CCX/COOH/WCX 羧酸 100 mg/1 mL 100 (弱阳离子小柱) 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 PCX/PRS 丙磺酸 50 mg/1 mL 100 (强阳离子小柱,酸*低于苯磺酸) 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 BCX/SCX 苯磺酸,强阳离子交换 100 mg/1 mL 100 (强阳离子小柱) 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 50 1000 mg/6 mL 30 CARB/Carbon 石墨化碳黑 500 mg/3 mL 50 500 mg/6 mL 30 1000 mg/6 mL 20 DBX/MCX 100mg/1mL 100 苯磺酸混合型强阳离子固相萃取小柱 30 mg/3mL 50 100mg/3mL 50 H2P/HLB 30 mg / 1mL 100 30 mg / 3mL 50 60 mg / 3mL 50 100mg/3mL 50
Chemplex1300系列样品杯XRF Sample Cup Overflow Reservoir CapOptionally Sealable or VentableCHOICE OF INTEGRATED SERRATED THIN-FILM WINDOW TRIMMERSRe-sealable cap integrates an external overflow reservoir and offers the option for venting. With the re-sealable cap rotated in the open position, an evacuation passageway is established from the within the Cell to the integrated overflow reservoir and sample chamber. By re-positioning the cap, the passageway is closed for storage and future referral.The Cell and "Snap-On Ring" incorporate the Chemplex developed "bead-to-indent" geometry responsible for forming taut thin-film window planes and leak-resistant seals..Alternatively available 32 mm diameter sample cups with integrated serrated edged "Snap-On Rings" allow extraneous thin-film trimming close to the sample cup. Order by catalog number followed by "SE".规格:见下表包装:100个/包CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE DIA. HEIGHT APERTURE CAPACITY, cc SETS/PKG1XF330 Double open ends 1.2" (30.7mm) 0.9" (22.9mm) 0.9" (24.6mm) 7 1001XF330-SE Double open ends 1.2" (30.7mm) 0.9" (22.9mm) 0.9" (24.6mm) 7 1001XF340 Double open ends 1.54"(39.1mm) 0.91"(23.1mm) 1.26"(32.0mm) 12 100美国Chemplex工业公司自1971年成立以来,一直坚持专注于X射线光谱分析的样品制备领域,拥有多系列独有的特色产品线以及产权,以质量和全面的X射线的样品制备产品线享誉全球。美国Chemplex公司一直以产品创新、质量保证、技术支持、服务周到、准时交货为原则,几乎所有的产品有库存。 北京美同达科技有限公司代理美国Chemplex工业公司旗下系列产品:XRF样品杯、XRF样品膜、X-ray光谱仪样本杯、ROHS专用样品杯、符合ROHS方法的PE/PVC高分子聚合物(块/粉)、XRF/XRD化学试剂盒套包装等。配合北京美同达专业供应的美国品牌进口标准油(VHG Labs、Cannon、Conostan等),全线供应给各大中石油、中石化、中海油旗下研发质检实验室,是一家专业的油品实验室进口配件耗材打包供应专家!详情请致电:010-88482632/52457812/52457811/56420090