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Shanghai FWD Chemicals Limited, founded in 2006, based in Shanghai ,China. provide advanced chemistry services to the worlds pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. It specializes in a comprehensive custom synthesis and manufacturing from gram to Multi ton production and also offer a laboratory scale multi-step synthesis of a wide variety of organic compounds . Our mission is to enable chemists, biologists and management to perform their roles more effectively.Our pilot plant and the R&D center located in Xiangtan city, Hunan province covers 61300 square meters. It is fully equipped with advanced analysis equipments and supported Strong R&D team for early scale up with almost 50% of our scientists holding a Ph.D. 



公司名称 上海氟德化工有限公司 注册地址
注册资本 成立年份
注册号 法定代表人
公司地址 中国上海上海徐汇区田州路159号15单元莲花大厦802室 企业类型 私营
经销模式 生产厂家 主营业务 医药中间体


服务领域 代理级别
年营业额 年出口额


联系电话 18101791813 E-mail coco.yang@fwdchem.com