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成都辰绿生物科技有限公司(辰绿)是一家专业从事植物提取物,医药原料,膳食补充剂以及食品添加剂生产商和批发商。从2006年开始,我们一直很荣幸并致力在天然产物领域里为各类客户服务,为人类健康事业不断努力。辰绿公司销售总部位于中国熊猫之乡的四川省成都市,生产基地占地50亩,同时配备3条植物提取生产线。目前主要产品有淫羊藿提取物,枳实提取物,玛咖提取物,绿茶提取物, 橄榄提取物,盐酸黄连素,白藜芦醇,左旋多巴等。公司拥有健全的质量控制系统,以保证产品的安全性,稳定性以及可靠性,已获得ISO, KOSHER, HAHALA,SC等证书。在成都有独立实验室,能自主研发上百种植物单体成分,优化生产工艺。同时,我们与四川大学食品研究院,生物制药工程紧密合作,深度开发植物产品的应用领域。我们的宗旨是,秉承“信誉至上,质量第一”的工作理念,合理利用大自然的馈赠,给予人类更多的健康元素。




Pueraria lobata extract


This product is extracted from dried root of Pueraria lobata WILLD. OHWI, Pueraria pseudo-hirsuta TANG et WANG, Pueraria thomsonii BENTN by water and ethanol.

Active ingredients: daidzeindaidzinpuerarinpuerarin-7-xyloside,



葛根黄酮Pueraria flavonoid:10%~80% by UV

葛根素Puerarin:10%~98% by HPLC


Appearance: Brown to yellow powder or granular

Test Standard: CP2020

Composition: 100% natural extract , Non-irradiation, Non-GMO

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing:25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years


Pomegranate peel extract


This product is extracted from dried peel of Punica granatum L,Granati Pericarrium by water and ethanol.

Active ingredients: PunicalaginEllagic Acid



安石榴甙Punicalagin:10%~40% by HPLC

鞣花酸Ellagic Acid:40%~98% by HPLC

石榴皮多酚Pomegranate Peel Polyphenols:10%~50% by HPLC


Appearance: Brown to yellow powder or granular

Test Standard: CP2020

Composition: 100% natural extract , Non-irradiation, Non-GMO

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing:25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years



Appearance: Yellow or greenish-yellow, crystalline powder or granular

Assay: 95.0%- 101.5% by UV

Source:  1.Natural from Seed&flower of Scphora japonica L ,Ruta graveolens L, Mallotus japonicus Muell, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, Hypericum aseyron L

2.Chemical synthesis

Test Standard: NF11

CAS: 153-18-4

M.F: C27H30O16

M.W: 610.51



Appearance: Yellowish-green crystalline powder or granular

Assay: 95.0%- 105.0% by UV

Source:  1.Natural from Seed&flower of Scphora japonica L ,Ruta graveolens L, Mallotus japonicus Muell, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, Hypericum aseyron L

2.Chemical synthesis

Test Standard: EP10.0

CAS: 7085-55-4

M.F: C33H42O19



Appearance: Yellowish green powder or granular

Assay: 98% by UV

Source: 1.Natural from dried flower of Sophorae Japonica l etc.

2.Chemical synthesis

Test Standard: CP2020

CAS: 117-39-5

M.F: C15H10O7

M.W: 302.23

Packing: 25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Berberine HCL


Appearance:  Yellow fine powder or granular

Assay: 97%,98% by titration

Source: 1.Natural from root of Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex, Berberis soulieana Schneid,Coptis chinensis Franch etc.

2. Chemical synthesis

Test Standard: CP2020

CAS: 663-65-8

M.F: C20H18ClNO4

M.W: 336.36

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing: 25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years


Indigo Red


Appearance: Dull red powder or granular

Assay: 90%~98% by HPLC

Source: 1.Natural from leaf or root of Indigofera tinctora L, Baphicacanthus cusia Brem, Isatis tinctoria L, Couroupita guianensis Aubl etc.

2.Chemical synthesis

Test Standard: CP2020

CAS: 479-41-4

M.F: C16H10N2O2

M.W: 262.26

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing: 25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years




Epimedium leaf Extract


This product is extracted from dried leaf of Epimedium brevicornu Maxim, Epimedium sagittatumSieb. et Zucc.Maxim,Epimedium pubescens Maxim,Epimedium koreanum Nakai by water and ethanol.

Active ingredients:  Icariin, Icariin A, Icariin B, Icariin C



淫羊藿单甙Icariin 5%-98% by HPLC

淫羊藿双甙Icarrins:5-98% by HPLC

淫羊藿黄酮Bioflvonoids:5%-20% by UV

淫羊藿素Icaritin: 98% by HPLC

水溶淫羊藿Water soluble Icariin 5%-20% by HPLC


Appearance: Brown to yellow powder or granular

Test Standard: CP2020

Composition: 100% natural extract , Non-irradiation, Non-GMO

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing:25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years

Citrus aurantium extract


Active ingredients: hesperidin, neohesperidin, nobiletin, auranetin, aurantiamarin, nuringin, synephrine, limonin



辛弗林Synephrine: 5%~98% by HPLC

橙皮甙Hesperidin: 30%~95% by HPLC

甲基橙皮甙Methly hesperidin: 94% by UV

枳实黄酮Citrus bioflavonoids: 25%~95% by HPLC

地奥司明Diosmin: EP10.0 by HPLC


Appearance: Brown to yellow powder or granular

Test Standard: CP2020

Composition: 100% natural extract , Non-irradiation, Non-GMO

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing:25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years

Berberine HCL


Appearance:  Yellow fine powder or granular

Assay: 97%,98% by titration

Source: 1.Natural from root of Phellodendri Chinensis Cortex, Berberis soulieana Schneid,Coptis chinensis Franch etc.

2. Chemical synthesis

Test Standard: CP2020

CAS: 663-65-8

M.F: C20H18ClNO4

M.W: 336.36

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing: 25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years

Maca root extract


This product is extracted from dried root of Lepidium meyenii Walp by water and ethanol.

Active ingredients: maceaene, macamide, glucosinolates



比例Ratio:4:1 10:1 20:1

玛卡烯&玛卡酰胺Maceaene&Macamide: 0.6% by HPLC

芥子油苷Glucosinolates: 1% by HPLC


Appearance: Brown to yellow powder or granular

Test Standard: CP2020

Composition: 100% natural extract , Non-irradiation, Non-GMO

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing:25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years

Indigo Red


Appearance: Dull red powder or granular

Assay: 90%~98% by HPLC

Source: 1.Natural from leaf or root of Indigofera tinctora L, Baphicacanthus cusia Brem, Isatis tinctoria L, Couroupita guianensis Aubl etc.

2.Chemical synthesis

Test Standard: CP2020

CAS: 479-41-4

M.F: C16H10N2O2

M.W: 262.26

Other test details , please email us for COA.


Packing: 25KG/drum or 1KG/bag

Shelf time: 2years