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Catalog Number:TKPA110Product Name:Rabbit Anti-Alpaca IgG2 AntibodyAlias:Rabbit anti alpaca IgG2, Anti-Alpaca Secondary AntibodiesSize:20ul,50ul,100ulApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:Rabbit IgGPurity:>90%Buffer:Supplied in PBS, PH7.4Background:The Rabbit Anti-Alpaca IgG2 Antibody (TKPA110) are produced in rabbit using purified alpaca IgG2 as the immunogen. This antibody can be used in ELISA and WB and are suitable for other immunoassay applications.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

Catalog Number:TKPA111Product Name:Rabbit Anti-Alpaca IgG3 AntibodyAlias:Rabbit anti alpaca IgG3, Anti-Alpaca Secondary AntibodiesSize:20ul,50ul,100ulApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:Rabbit IgGPurity:>90%Buffer:Supplied in PBS, PH7.4Background:The Rabbit Anti-Alpaca IgG3 Antibody (TKPA111) are produced in rabbit using purified alpaca IgG3 as the immunogen. This antibody can be used in ELISA and WB and are suitable for other immunoassay applications.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

泰克生物着力于为客户提供高质量,且具性价比的抗体药物前期发现技术服务。我们在药物抗体发现方面拥有10年的项目开发经验和心得,积累了充足的抗体定制和重组蛋白生产经验。基于酵母体展示技术(Yeast Display Technology)平台的服务,泰克生物能够为客户提供一系列包括但不限于兔源、鼠源、羊源、驼源等不同物种的单克隆抗体制备服务,及其配套的完整可追溯性文件体系。酵母抗体展示技术(Yeast Display Technology)是指用抗体序列可变区与凝集素Aga2p融合表达,Aga2p蛋白亚基通过两个二硫键与固定在酵母细胞壁上的Aga1p 蛋白亚基结合,结合流式分选技术,将靶向抗原的特异性抗体给筛选出来。█ 酵母展示抗体文库构建服务 泰克生物可为客户提供来自驼源VHH纳米抗体库,以及其他物种scFv形式抗体的酵母展示文库构建及筛选服务。VHH纳米抗体库,又称为驼源重链抗体文库,抗体分子量大小为15kDa,是驼源动物产生的特有的一种抗体。酵母抗体文库展示体系受限于自身物理特性限制,物理库容滴度一般<107,因此主要应用于客户对项目库容要求不高,动物免疫后PBMC细胞经过二次分选以及避免漏掉二硫键形成的抗体发现项目。同时酵母展示文库相对噬菌体展示文库技术而言,前者在微量抗体表达后抗体活性层面相较于后者要高,得益此基础,在流式筛选时就能区分抗体的亲和力高低。 目前被广泛应用于CAR-T/CAR-NK治疗性抗体,主要以驼源VHH抗体(又被称为纳米抗体)发现为主,VHH/scFv抗体酵母展示发现路径如图1所示:图1基于酵母技术平台的VHH/scFv抗体发现服务█ 服务内容和周期 步骤服务内容QC标准周期Step1:蛋白表达(1) 密码子优化+基因模板合成+表达载体构建;(2) 质粒抽提+转染(哺乳表达系统)目的蛋白检测(WB,SDS-PAGE);(3) 蛋白表达放大+蛋白亲和纯化;交付:表达载体,克隆甘油菌,重组蛋白3-3.5mg,纯度>85%,标准实验报告 4-6周Step2:动物免疫(1) 动物免疫4次,加强免疫一针,共计免疫5针;(2) 免疫前采集阴性血清,第4针采血进行ELISA检测血清效价;(3) 若第4针血清抗体效价(蛋白抗原>105;多肽抗原>104)满足要求,则采血前7天再次加强免疫1针,如不满足要求,则继续常规免疫;(4) 效价合格,采血分离单核细胞;动物:背景清晰(年龄,性别,防疫情况);免疫:蛋白抗原>105;多肽抗原>104;采血:数量100ml以上;PBMC细胞:>105/vial 8-10周Step3:模板cDNA制备(1) PBMC总RNA提取(RNA提取试剂盒)(2) 高保真RT-PCR制备cDNA(反转录试剂盒)cDNA:反转后>1ug/ul,胶图分布均匀;cDNA模板总量>150ug;1 天Step4:抗体酵母展示文库构建(1) 以cDNA为模板,两轮PCR扩增VHH基因酵母表达质粒构建与转化: VHH基因拼接酵母展示载体,电击转化酵母宿主菌,构建抗体库,电击次数不低于10次鉴定:随机挑选24个克隆,PCR鉴定阳性率+PCR鉴定多样性+插入率文库阳性率:>90%;文库插入性率:>90%;库容:>1061-2周Step5:文库筛选(磁珠+Facs)(1) 磁珠分选;(2) FACS分选(免疫双标分选);(3) 铺板+阳性克隆菌培养+抗体基因测序;(>20个,多达96个);阳性标准:双阳性菌株;VHH筛选标准:CDR氨基酸序列不同2-3周Step6:抗体验证(体外验证)(1) 将获得的抗体序列构建合适的表达载体进行表达+亲和纯化+抗体蛋白定量;(2) Elisa验证抗体与抗原结合,进行下游验证(交付EC50数据);(3) BLI法验证抗体亲和力;(4) 细胞功能验证:流式验证;(5) 验证细胞系(抗原受体过表达细胞系);交付:表达载体,克隆菌株,表达菌株,重组抗体蛋白1mg,纯度90%;快速亲和力测定结果;4-6周█ 服务优势 ✔物种适应性广泛:人,鼠,兔,羊,羊驼,骆驼,鱼等物种的单抗开发均兼容✔技术平台成熟:提供的1级免疫文库的建库库容为107-108;插入率均满足>95%,筛选获得的抗体亲和力普遍处于nM- pM级别✔开发周期短:获得PBMC后,建库到筛选获得抗体序列,3-4周✔产品交付标准高:针对免疫库,交付免疫前后血清,抗体展示文库,酵母表达菌株,抗体序列✔实验记录可追溯:QC质控标准(含RNA提取,cDNA制备等),中英文实验报告,手写实验记录本 

泰克生物提供快速专业的抗体测序服务(包括:杂交瘤测序,抗体全场测序等),对编码杂交瘤细胞单克隆抗体重链可变 (VH)区域和轻链可变 (VL) 区域的基因序列进行测序。同时,泰克生物配备了先进的抗体全长测序技术,例如与串联质谱联用的液相色谱仪 (LC-MS/MS) 和配套的先进计算算法,可根据您的需求提供准确、快速的抗体全长测序服务。█ 杂交瘤测序服务泰克生物提供快速专业的杂交瘤测序服务,对编码杂交瘤细胞单克隆抗体重链可变 (VH)区域和轻链可变 (VL) 区域的基因序列进行测序。杂交瘤测序原理:杂交瘤技术是指建立杂交瘤细胞系的技术,其用于产生大量单克隆抗体,所以又称单克隆抗体技术。测序原理是通过RT-PCR技术从杂交瘤细胞中提取杂交瘤分泌的抗体序列进行分析。泰克生物可在4-6周内完成高通量(NGS)杂交瘤测序,并且为客户提供所有VH和VL序列以及一份完整的报告,告知客户杂交瘤细胞单克隆抗体的序列(包括单克隆抗体相对应的VH和VL序列的CDR区序列分析)和可能存在的任何异质性或其他抗体同种型。经过杂交瘤测序,可以获得相应的序列,在后续项目中有需要用到单克隆抗体的时候,可以利用测得的基因序列进行重组抗体的制备。解决了杂交瘤保存过程中,细胞死亡或高特异性丢失的问题。杂交瘤测序,对于进一步的大规模生产及抗体的人源化等生物工程操作同样具有重要的意义。杂交瘤测序服务流程 项目内容交付周期杂交瘤细胞抗体测序服务RNA提取反转录PCR扩增VH和VL序列测序验证基因合成表达载体构建抗体VH和VL序列分别含有VH和VL基因的表达载体(质粒构建QC)3-4周服务优势 ✔  适用于任何物种✔  使用随机引物,不会引入突变✔  识别所有 VH 和 VL 序列并量化它们的相对丰度✔  序列绝对保密性✔  高通量方法可同时对多达 50 个杂交瘤进行测序 - 提供批量杂交瘤测序包✔  序列在 3-4 周内交付█ 抗体全长测序 有许多单克隆抗体无法获得杂交瘤细胞系。为了满足客户的对未知抗体序列(无杂交瘤细胞系)的测序要求,泰克生物还提供抗体全长测序服务,通过将质谱与从头肽测序和重叠肽组装相结合,确定可变域的氨基酸序列。抗体的全长测序是指在事先不知道DNA或蛋白质序列的情况下,推导抗体的氨基酸序列并发现任何相关的翻译后修饰的分析过程。泰克生物保证提供功能性抗体序列以及具有完整序列覆盖率的综合测序报告。基于重组抗体瞬时表达服务,泰克生物可以在短短9周内对抗体进行测序并交付相应的重组蛋白。样本要求 样本量:100μg单克隆抗体蛋白浓度:>0.2mg/mL纯度:目标抗体占总蛋白量的95%以上其他:无相同抗原的抗体蛋白服务内容质谱测序抗体表达周期交付酶消化成重叠肽;使用 Thermo Orbitrap 的 LC-MS/MS肽的从头鉴定;肽组装;基因合成克隆HEK293 细胞中的瞬时表达亲和纯化缓冲液交换 (PBS)无菌过滤纯度 >98% (SDS-PAGE)内毒素 < 1 EU/mg9周综合测序报告;>2 mg 纯化抗体;QC报告服务优势✔  快速:测序可在10个工作日内完成✔  高通量:我们的 DASS 方法是高通量兼容的✔  专业:科学家负责每个项目,并配备专业团队在过程的每个步骤进行质量控制;专家研发团队致力于优化协议以提供更高质量的数据✔  个性化:定制服务包括但不限于抗体设计、克隆、从头测序和分析,以及体外优化以满足您的需求✔  准确性高:单独肽的多个质谱读数中获得了强信号峰特征,可以正确识别序列中的每个氨基酸。✔  应用范围广:可用于所有类型的抗体(除了人类)。甚至已被用于对受污染或结合的抗体或成对具有不同轻链的抗体进行测序。✔  信息丰富:抗体从头测序通常会导致检测到测序中的意外差异或蛋白质分子上的新糖基化位点,而DNA测序无法检测这些差异。

Catalog Number:TKPA101Product Name:Alpaca Total IgG(IgG1+IgG2+IgG3)Alias:Alpaca IgG Native Protein, alpaca control antibody, alpaca isotype controlSize:1mg,5mg,10mgApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:IgG1,IgG2,IgG3Purity:>90%Buffer:150mM Nacl+0.1M Gly, pH7.0Background:Three subclasses of IgG can be isolated from the serum of camelids. Conventional IgG1 contains molecules of ~170KD, which upon reduction yield 50KD heavy chains and large 30KD light chains. IgG2 and IgG3 are distinct in that they do not incorporate light chains. The IgG2 contain molecules of ~100KD, which upon reduction yield only heavy chains of ~49KD. The IgG3 contain molecules of ~90KD, which upon reduction yield only heavy chains of ~46KD. Alpaca Total IgG (TKPA101) is an isotype control antibody, which can be used as negative controls to help differentiate non-specific background signal from specific antibody signal.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

Catalog Number:TKPA103Product Name:Goat Anti-Camel IgG1+IgG2+IgG3 AntibodyAlias:Goat anti camel IgG, Anti-Camel Secondary AntibodiesSize:20ul,50ul,100ulApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:Goat IgGPurity:>90%Buffer:Supplied in PBS, PH7.4Background:The Goat Anti-Camel IgG1+IgG2+IgG3 Antibody (TKPA103) are produced in goat using purified camel total IgG as the immunogen. This antibody can be used in ELISA and WB and are suitable for other immunoassay applications.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

Catalog Number:TKPA102Product Name:Goat Anti-Alpaca IgG1+IgG2+IgG3 AntibodyAlias:Goat anti alpaca IgG, Anti-Alpaca Secondary AntibodiesSize:20ul,50ul,100ulApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:Goat IgGPurity:>90%Buffer:Supplied in PBS, PH7.4Background:The Goat Anti-Alpaca IgG1+IgG2+IgG3 Antibody (TKPA102) are produced in goat using purified alpaca total IgG as the immunogen. This antibody can be used in ELISA and WB and are suitable for other immunoassay applications.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

Catalog Number:TKPA104Product Name:Rabbit Anti-Alpaca VHH AntibodyAlias:Camelid VHH Antibody, Anti-Alpaca Secondary AntibodiesSize:20ul,50ul,100ulApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:Rabbit IgGPurity:>90%Buffer:Supplied in PBS, PH7.4Background:The Rabbit Anti-Alpaca VHH Antibody (TKPA104) are produced in rabbit using purified alpaca VHH as the immunogen. This antibody can be used in ELISA and WB and are suitable for other immunoassay applications.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

Catalog Number:TKPA109Product Name:Rabbit Anti-Alpaca IgG1 AntibodyAlias:Rabbit anti alpaca IgG1, Anti-Alpaca Secondary AntibodiesSize:20ul,50ul,100ulApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:Rabbit IgGPurity:>90%Buffer:Supplied in PBS, PH7.4Background:The Rabbit Anti-Alpaca IgG1 Antibody (TKPA109) are produced in rabbit using purified alpaca IgG1 as the immunogen. This antibody can be used in ELISA and WB and are suitable for other immunoassay applications.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.

Catalog Number:TKPA105Product Name:Alpaca IgG2Alias:Alpaca IgG2 Native Protein, IgG2, Alpaca Immunoglobulin Isotype-2, alpaca control antibody, alpaca isotype controlSize:1mg,5mg,10mgApplications:WB, ELISAIsotype:IgG2Purity:>90%Buffer:10mM Tris+0.15M NaCl, pH7.0Background:Three subclasses of IgG can be isolated from the serum of camelids. Conventional IgG1 contains molecules of ~170KD, which upon reduction yield ~50KD heavy chains and large ~30KD light chains. IgG2 and IgG3 are distinct in that they do not incorporate light chains. The IgG2 contain molecules of ~100KD, which upon reduction yield only heavy chains of ~49KD. The IgG3 contain molecules of ~90KD, which upon reduction yield only heavy chains of ~46KD. Alpaca IgG2 (TKPA105) is an isotype control antibody, which can be used as negative controls to help differentiate non-specific background signal from specific antibody signal.Storage:This antibody can be stored at 2°C-8°C for one month without detectable loss of activity. Antibody products are stable for twelve months from date of receipt when stored at -20°C to -80°C. Aliquot and store at -20°C to -80°C. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing cycles.Shipping Condition:Shipped on ice packs.NOTE:This product is used for research use only. Not for human or diagnostic use.