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We, Suzhou YAXIN Medical, CHINA. With a rich legacy of 20+ years in the industry, our company stands at the forefront of medical device and equipment manufacturing, driven by a passion for quality, precision, and patient care. Our Dedication to Healthcare:At Suzhou YAXIN Medical, our commitment to healthcare is deeply rooted in our DNA. We understand that every medical device we manufacture carries a responsibility – the responsibility to enhance patient outcomes, improve clinical workflows, and empower healthcare professionals. Quality as a Tradition:Quality is more than a standard; it is a tradition at Suzhou YAXIN Medical. Our relentless pursuit of excellence ensures that every medical device bearing our name meets and exceeds the highest industry standards. Rigorous quality control processes are ingrained in our manufacturing ethos, safeguarding patient safety and provider trust. Global Impact, Local Presence:From our manufacturing facilities to healthcare institutions worldwide, our reach extends across 30+ countries. We take pride in being a global player with a local presence.  Empowering Healthcare Providers:Our mission is clear: to empower healthcare providers with tools that enable them to deliver exceptional care. We believe that the better equipped healthcare professionals are, the more lives they can touch, and the brighter the future of healthcare becomes.



公司名称 苏州市亚新医疗用品有限公司 注册地址
注册资本 成立年份
注册号 法定代表人
公司地址 中国江苏苏州吴中区木渎镇钟塔路12号 企业类型 私营
经销模式 生产厂家 主营业务 一次性使用负压引流器,一次性使用胸腔引流瓶,一次性使用颅脑外引流装置


服务领域 代理级别
年营业额 年出口额


联系电话 15295632931 E-mail leelinli455@gmail.com